Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Evil Girl Scout Cookies...

I hate that Girl Scout cookies come out right about the time I’m making headway with my “Winter Weight”. I would think that by now I would know better than ordering all of my favorite cookies. What I should do is order the kinds I don’t like and then bring them to work and put them out for others. But no, instead I stockpile them in my cupboards and freezer so that I can think about how I shouldn’t eat them as I am polishing them off by the box. I know if I’m blogging about the darn cookies I should clearly stop eating them, but instead I will blame the Girl Scouts for their horrible timing. They should bring them out in the summer when I’m more active and have a better chance of getting rid of the weight faster or bring them out during the holidays because I’m already packing it on so what’s a few more cookies? Oh well, I better get going I think I hear think I hear a Thin Mint calling.


Newt said...

At least they come around only once a year. I think a constantly available supply of thin mints could be a very bad thing. If they say American's are overweight now, just imagine a never ending supply of thin mints.

Molly said...

Yum, Thin Mints... Buying or not buying Girl Scout cookies or other items can present a dilemma. On one hand, you want to support a great organiztion like the Girl Scouts; on the other, you do not want the delicious cookies around to tempt you. Although I don't do this often myself, sometimes this works for me. When the loving child or relative offers to sell you Girl Scout cookies, offer a monetary donation instead of buying cookies. Of course, this suggestion won't work for you if you are a Girl Scout trying to sell some quota or a Girl Scout leader trying to unload a bunch of cookies.

I see that you are new to the blogging world Welcome, you have a fine blog.

Kell said...

You are absolutely right! I've been saying for years that they should sell those cookies some other time than New Year's resolution time. That doesn't stop me from buying them though. My freezer will be full of Thin Mints, too.

I may send the rest to the office with my hubby. Try to save me from myself.

mike said...

Girl scout cookies never did much for me unless it was a Thin Mint with just a bit of the chocolate nibbled off so that cold milk could soak up into the cookie nad make the chocolate all crunchy and... oh hell.

Now I remember why I avoid the order sheets left in the coffee room at work during cookie sales time.

Tink said...

It's cookie time already? Sweet! Lol. You know a good way not to gain too much weight while eating them? Eating nothing BUT cookies. I mean, it's got to add up to about the same in the end right?

Ellie said...

Newt: Maybe if they did sell them all year round they wouldn’t be so yummy, kinda like State Fair Food.

mjd: I think that it feels like it’s a cash donation because I pay for them in January and I don’t get them February. I think I’d purchase way less if I had to walk away with the billion boxes of cookies.

Kell: The only thing I can think of as to why they continue to sell them this time of the year is because their in cahoots with Weight Watchers.

Mike: I’m currently eating thin mints w/milk right now

Tink: I like your idea, in fact I had cookies for lunch…