Sunday, February 18, 2007

When is it time to throw in the towel?

Currently I am trying to read The God Of Small Things and I'm having a really tough time getting through it. The book was originally a recommendation from my mom, quite a while ago but I never got around to picking it up. Recently my friend, Newt, picked it up and we are trying to read it at the same time, kinda like a mini book club. I have picked it up and put it down 3 times now and still haven't gotten to page 10, but I really have a feeling that it has a lot of potential to be a good book, so I am trying to stick with it.

I love to read and I have a long list of books that I want to I just wonder with so many books and so little time, what is a fair amount of time to give a book before you just move on?
Newt says she generally gives it about 100 pages and another friend, The Girl, always finishes the book, even if she doesn't enjoy it (which I just don't get). I try and give a book a chance, but after a few attempts I generally just put it back on the shelf to collect dust.
What I can't help to wonder is, how many books I've really missed out on because I put it down too soon.


Anonymous said...

I usually give a book about 100 pages before deciding whether its worth my time or not. I used to read everything that came my way, but I got stumped by a book once (first book in like a 30 book series) that I just couldn't get more then a few chapters into since it was so poorly written. Refusing to be defeated, I took it as my only book on a trip to California, read the whole thing, and threw it in the trash when I got home. First and last time I ever did that. Finally realized that life is too short to waste on bad fiction when there is so much good stuff out there waiting for me to read.

graymama said...

First, WELCOME to blog land! :-)

Second, I have time to read, but it has decreased dramatically since having Buddy; therefore, I am much more picky about what book joins me during my precious reading time. I give 75 pages. That's it! I used to be a must-finish-no-matter-what kind of girl, but there just isn't time for that now.

Third, do I think I am missing out? No. There has only been one book that has originally failed my 75 page test, and upon a second gander, I really enjoyed.

Anonymous said...

I give it between 50 and 100 page, depending on the length of the book. If I don't like it, I put it away and come back to it some other time. Some books you just have to be in the right frame of mind to appreciate.

Tink said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! There are so many books, and so little time... Especially if they keep producing MORE of the damn things. So if it's not flowing easily, it's not meant to be. Reading should be enjoyable and easy. Pick up something else.

Might I recommend, "The Girls" by Lori Lansens? :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellie,

Welcome to the blogworld! We've been hearing about you so's nice to actually "meet" you!

As for books...if I can't get into it, why waste my time? There are so many wonderful books out there that I will really enjoy.

Ellie said...

Tink: Thanks for the recommendation! I love hearing about new books. I think that the majority of the great books that I've read were from recommendations. I will definitely be looking into "The Girls".

Newt said...

Still not falling in love with the story but I haven't hit 100 yet. Life is too short to waste on a bad book. But the stubborn side of me also wants to find out what's so "great" about this story. Like Mike said sometimes it's a persons mood at the time not the book.

Teena in Toronto said...

If a book doesn't grab me in the first couple of chapters, I give up.
