Monday, March 19, 2007


On Saturday Daisy and I went for a four mile walk and I loved it!!!! I know spring is full of mud puddles and there's still snow on the ground, but that doesn't bother me in spring. I love driving with my sunroof open, being able to open the windows in the house, turning off the heat and oddly enough I love the spring cleaning. There's just something about spring that changes the way things look.


Jay said...

4 miles? That's a pretty major walk!

I'm gearing up for some spring cleaning myself. Time to throw a bunch of stuff out and give some stuff away again.

Anonymous said...

I love spring! Everything is so fresh and happy.

Kell said...

I'm ready for some major spring cleaning, myself. I want to throw open the windows and throw out the old.

mike said...

I'm not one for cleaning in general, but my benign neglect has reached the tipping point. I'm looking forward to cleaning, getting things organized and maybe even painting.

graymama said...

Golden loved playing ball today with Hubby, Buddy loved digging in the dirt, and I loved smiling and taking mental pictures of this happy spring moment :-)