Friday, March 16, 2007


I don’t get it! I was driving with my mom today and as we were waiting at a red light 3 boys all under the age of 15 (I would guess) started running across the hwy (A true Hwy w/a speed limit 50 MPH). They were crossing against the light. Two of the boys stopped and stood on the island to wait for the traffic and the third STROLLED into traffic. Then when cars slammed on their brakes to avoid hitting the kid he turned and gave the drivers the finger and continued to stand there, in the middle of the highway, giving various drivers the finger. My mom and I were both like WTF???? Then he finally crossed and was standing on the sidewalk waiting for his other two friends. Of course, he is staring into our car (two feet from my window) and throwing rocks in our direction to get a rise out o f us. Both of us refused to give him any reaction, which I believe disappointed him. I turned and looked at him and casually turned away as if I just looked at a pile of …on the side of the road. After looking directly at him without any emotion he stopped. This kid was just looking for a fight. When I was his age there was no way I would have attempted any such idiotic behavior, hell I don’t think that I knew anyone who would’ve behaved in this fashion back then. I guess I just wonder why is it the police are never around when you want them to be, because that would have been sweet had the kids been busted by them.


mike said...

sad thing is that the police wouldn't have been able to do much about it other than take him home and maybe scold him.

If he had been hit by an oncoming car I wouldn't have felt sorry for the kid at all. The driver and the people who witnessed it, but not the kid.

Jay said...

I'm sure if he had been hit by a car his family would have sued the driver too.

Of course, this type of thing won't happen around where I live. We have concealed weapons laws. Somebody would have pulled a gun on him around here.

Anonymous said...

My first thought was that he's just an arrogant punk. Then I started to wonder what was going on in his life to make him act out so badly and seek attention like that. Poor kid.

Sorry he took it out on you and your mom. It sounds like you reacted perfectly.

Tink said...

Omg. Did he have a death wish? If a car doesn't hit him, someone is going to beat his *ss. He needs help... If it's not already too late.